Message From Dean Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences is the academics heart of Quaid-i-Azam University. Fifteen teaching departments/schools/Centers/ Institutes and more than 3400 students makes it the largest faculty of university. Over time, the faculty has expanded both in terms of disciplines and degree programs. We offer degree programs in the disciplines of Anthropology. Area Studies, Asian Civilizations, Business Studies, Defense, & Strategic Studies, Economics, English, Gender Studies, History, International Relations, Law, Pakistan Studies, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. In early 1970`s the Faculty of Social Sciences was confined to M.Sc. programs only, later we started offering degrees in M.Phil. and Ph.D. Now with new dynamics of education our M.Sc. program is replaced by BS (4 years) degree program. However, students pursuing two year BA/B.Sc. or equivalent can join our BS (4 years) program through lateral entry in 3rd year of the program. ……Read More

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